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Senior (55+)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ah, the joys of fall falling leaves unraced cold breeze. It's that full feeling we all know and love, but as other feelings that can't get comfortable feeling of fever, the tossing and turning feeling of aches and pains, the dry mouth because your nose is stuffed. Feeling of colds, the coughing and can't breathe. Feeling of the That's right. When the leaves start falling, the virus has come crawling. If you're full feeling includes the aches and pains of colds, flu and other uninvited viruses. You don't have to suffer. Just remember that mercy stat care is there for you. When you get the feelings of fall that you'd rather not have. Relief is as close as your mercy. Stat care. No appointment is necessary. All you have to do is walk in for quick, convenient care for crawling viruses, minor injuries or whatever else befalls you. Mercy staff care the first place to think of for quick, convenient relief from the feelings of fall in North Canton, Jackson, Massillon and Carroll County