The English Voice for the Shinbundang Line Train

Profile photo for Machelle Lentz
Not Yet Rated
Voice Assistant


English voice for Shinbundang Line in South Korea

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This stop is last station. The doors are on your left. You can transfer to the line number three. Transfer to the line number 10. Please remember to bring your belongings with you. Thank you. This stop is non station. The doors are on your left. You can transfer to the line number seven. Transfer to the line number 10. This stop is station, the doors are on your left. You can transfer to the line number nine. Transfer to the line number 10. This stop is station. Please exit on the left. You can transfer to the green line line number two. Transfer to the line number 10. She she gave her this stop is office station. The doors are on your left. You can transfer to the orange line line number three. Transfer to the line number 10. Please watch your step. This stop is Ya Citizen Forest Meon Station. The doors are on your left. Transfer to the line number 10. This stop is station, the doors are on your left. This stop valley station, the doors are on your left. You can transfer to the line. This is the station, the doors are on your left. You can transfer to the line. This stop is Seoul National University Hospital Station. The doors are on your left. You can transfer to the line. This stop is Dong Station, the doors are on your left. This stop is office station, the doors are on your left. This stop is station, the doors are on your left. Please watch your step. This is station, the doors are on your left. This stop is Wang Yang, a university station. The doors are on your left. This stop is Wang Yu Yang Yu University. The last station, please exit on the left. Please remember to bring all your belongings with you. Thank you.