Cenophia Mitchell: eLearning / Educational Sample



This education based demo showcases a few projects I've worked on - Related projects include corporate narration, educational videos, eLearning modules, whiteboard/explainer videos, how to videos, industrials, business training, and internal presentations. My professional approach to educational projects is to be believable, engaging, and unique. With no music, or background effects, its important to let the voice speak for itself.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here's something I bet you didn't know. The practice of issuing grades to students started way back in the 17 hundreds, back when the fastest way to travel was on a horse and the height of technology was the waterwheel. History is filled with stories of exceptional achievers who earned just mediocre grades. True, this grades are subjective and they lie about achievement. So let's set the record straight about the difference between hemp and marijuana. Hemp and marijuana come from the cannabis genus, and both have dozens of plant compounds called phyto cannabinoids. The crucial difference is one of these compounds THC, The stuff that gets you high. Marijuana contains elevated levels of THC. Hemp contains barely any THC, so you don't feel high. And it's legal. Also. Not all hemp is the same little known secret. Blotting has something of a reputation among proteins, and if you could hear their side of the story, you'd understand why you see proteins. They're just like us. And when the tsunami warning starts to Blair, informing them of incoming stripping solution or the slicing force of your stainless steel scissors threatens to rip them limb from limb, they panic, and you should, too. These techniques result in uneven removal of proteins, erroneous cutting, resulting in shaky data and poor reproduce ability. Fortunately, via rat is raising the standard, everybody learns at their own speed. And for some, the traditional high school schedule just doesn't work. But what if there were another option? What if there were a way for each student toe learn at his or her own pace and still have time for all the things they care about outside the classroom? Independent study or I S is an exciting, self paced alternative to the traditional high school schedule. Spend every day in the lab with our incredible staff, or check in once a week and do your work from home.