Sci-fi FTL Travel Basics

Profile photo for MJ Blehart
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


The recording for the video I did with my marketing company to help with my book sales.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mhm. Despite physics telling us the speed of light is the limit. We imagine traveling faster. Sci fi authors have used many ideas for this notion, some more fantastical than others. Hyperspace warp drives stargates and using Einstein Rosen bridges, i. E wormholes tend to be among the most common, real or utterly imagined faster than light Travel paves the way to exploration far beyond our solar system. Mhm. As a sci fi author, watch do I employ? I am MJ ble heart. Check out my sci fi offerings on amazon and visit my website for other insights, such as this one.