Alex Pitcher - Authoritative Conversational Eloquent Enticing Inspiring Nurturing New Corporate reel for 2018

Video Narration


Alex Pitcher - Authoritative Conversational Eloquent Enticing Inspiring Nurturing New Corporate reel for 2018

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ever wondered what actually happens when you stream that movie? Let's show you exactly what happens for everything online. So you've spent ages fighting over what to watch and then excellent choice. Now here's what happens next so fast you'd never even know about it. You've just sent a request to watch This film, which is a good video, can be powerful, and a bright video works wonders. Generating leads, increasing sales and helping your company get ahead. Your priority is growth, so we target your ideal prospect, speaking directly to the people who really matter from spellbinding. Explain a video from Day one. We have protected businesses from complex risks, building confidence and creating certainty for our clients across the globe way. Continue to grow and evolve to keep up with change and innovation, eventually encompassing a whole host of wider special ism such as cyber, marine media and