\"Poor Unfortunate Soul\" - Voice Acting Demo

Profile photo for D.R. Storm
Not Yet Rated


Ursula was one of Disney's best villains. This was my stab at it.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my dear, sweet child, that's what I do is what I for To help unfortunate murph Hawk like yourself Souls with no one else to turn to. I admit that in the past I've been a nasty. They weren't kidding when they called me well, a witch. But you'll find that nowadays. I've mended all my ways. Repentance, see the light and made a switch. And I fortunately know a little magic. It's a talent that I always have possessed. And dear lady, please don't laugh. I use it on behalf of the miserable, lonely and depressed, pathetic unfortunate souls in pain in need. This one, longing to be thinner. That one wants to get the girl until I help them. Yes, indeed! Those poor unfortunate selves! So sad, so true. They come flocking to my courtroom crying spells. Ask you to please. And I help them. Yes, I did. Now. It's happened once or twice. Someone couldn't pay the price, and I'm afraid I had to rank them across the coals. Yes, I've had the odd complaint, but on the whole I've been a saint to those poor and fun. Have we got a deal? If I become human, I'll never be with my father and sisters again. That's right. But you'll have your man. Life's full of tough choices now, isn't it? Oh, and there is one more thing. We haven't discussed the subject of payment. Not asking much. Just a token. Really? A trifle what I want from you is your voice, but without my voice. How can I? You will have your looks, your pretty face and don't underestimate the importance of body language. The men up there don't like a lot of blabber. They think a girl who gossips is a bore yet on land is much preferred for ladies not to say a word. And after all, dear word is idle prattle! Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation. Gentlemen, avoid it when they can, but they don't. And swoon and fawn on a lady who's withdrawn, it's she who holds her tongue. Who gets her man? Come on, you poor unfortunate soul! Go ahead. Make your choice. I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day. It won't cost much. Just your voice, your poor unfortunate soul. It's sad, but true. If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll, Take a gulp and take a breath and go ahead and sign the scroll flotsam. Jetsam. Now, I've got her boys. The bosses. This poor come winds of the Caspian sea. The ring sits close. Itis at max laryngitis. No, sing chief, No, Yeah,