At the City's Edge



At the City's Edge shows my audiobook narration skills

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mike Romano. Narrator This is from at the city's Edge. By Marcus Saiki. When the man pointed a gun at him, Jason Palmer was cooling down after his daily five and picturing the first beer of the day, a sweating corona and lime that he'd figured he drink in the shower. But when his eyes adjusted their the guy Waas standing like he'd been waiting, maybe 20 with dark skin and predators eyes. He held the weapon wrong, elbow cocked out and risk twisted sideways. But his hand was dead steady. Yo, man, I want to talk to you. A diamond studded Cadillac crest hung on a rope chain around his neck. Adrenaline tingled at the back of Jason's legs, his heart, still racing from the run, thudded louder as he stared at the black hole, pointed at his chest. He tried to remember everything he'd heard about getting mobbed, how you weren't supposed to look at the guy, that it could make him nervous. It's no problem. Take the money, Jason said the man tilted his head slightly that smile wider. I say anything about money. Did, uh