Real Person, Small Town, Country

Television Ad


Small town, real person, neighbor, farmer, cowboy, regular joe

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We are a nation of cowboys. Every time we lead the herd march to the beat of our own drum team that which is wild or forge ahead, Fearless into the wild, Unknown. We're cowboys. This is a cowboy and this is the cowboy. Ever since I was a kid, I've wanted to live on a place like this. We call it the Farm, but that's kind of a joke in my family. You see, it's only about five acres. Oh, I've still got a job in town, but I've got my little piece of heaven out here, too. There's a lot of noise out there when it comes to living well, thes days working out requires a subscription service. The morning routine is anything but routine. And apparently goats air. Now welcome in the yoga studio. Well, hi there. My name is Billy Bullets, and I'm just tickled pink that Joel could make it to our little game tonight. Sit tight, Virawan. Those pretty looking hats because things were about to get while