British Candy Commercial

Radio Ad


Candy commercial turns into a humorous commentary on British economics

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
and, oh, have you heard about this rather unusual English candy, which has a more sophisticated kind of taste than regular candy? Not quite a sweet but a very fine, classy sort of taste, and it's made by an English firm called Callard and Bowser, and it really is jolly good. In fact, the truth is, it's jolly, jolly good, and I know you'll like it. And as I say, it is English. So please buy it because we need the money in England at the moment. I mean, we're all as poor as church mice. Now, servants are unbelievably expensive, and our industries practically disappeared. And we haven't had an original idea since the Beatles. About all we make is methods and cricket bat and really good candy. And have the cricket bat come from Hong Kong nowadays. So appeased was a favour and just try this coloured in Basel candy. It's got a rather sophisticated taste, and I'm sure you'll approve of it. And after all, I mean, we did fight on your side in the war, and we always let you beat us at golf. And incidentally, let's not forget it or pinched language. If we hadn't forgotten to copyright that you'd be Tang was the most amazing royalties every week. So instead, please buy Callard and Bowser is rather sophisticated English candy and held the England to pack on its feet. Frankly, I think it's the least you could do.