Showreel for radio commercials, e-learning platform and professional medical narration

Profile photo for Emily B
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This showreel showcases my natural and warm voice in different styles.
1. Engaging advert for The Museum of Science and Industry
2. Radio commercial for Superdrug
3. E-learning
4. Professional medical narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
discover the incredible storey of the sun in the new blockbuster exhibition at Mosey, Feel the heat, it are out or beach stand in the middle of a solar storm on Watch the sun rise over Antarctica as we bring the science of the sun life. You could have one look or have loans out of this world. Cosmetics for unique looks. You can pout in all shades. You can have it all. Three for two. It's Super drug B u B beautiful Hi, I'm a design leader at Medicare in the short animation will look at what changed management means for us. Nature of our work is changing in a significant way, and that's okay. We're moving into an era of content generation and information management, and our jobs will be as important as ever. They say there's no place like home. That's why home server here to make sure that when you are home, everything is as it should be. Our monthly plans give you access to the army of plumbers and engineers had already keep life moving over 2.2 million homes in the UK The aim of this session is to cut an approximately five centimetre circular shape in the model provided along the solid circular line. By the end of this session, you will be able to manipulate a laproscopic grass spur for applying traction and cutting. Use laproscopic scissors for accurate cutting on. Develop your by manual skills. Start by gently lifting the superficial layer with one instrument and then cut along the solid line, taking small bites on avoiding wide chopping actions with the scissors.