Narrative Reel - Non Fiction and Fictional Fairy Tale



Showcases NancyBeth's engaging factual delivery as well as her whimsical storytelling abilities.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
nancy beth Griffiths narrative real, Like many other philosophers who have greatly extended our knowledge of nature, Galileo had a remarkable aptitude for the invention of instruments designed for philosophical research to facilitate his practical work. We find that in 1599 he had engaged a skilled workmen who was to live in his house and be constantly at hand to try the devices which were forever springing from Galileo's fertile brain. Among the earliest of his inventions appears to have been the thermometer which he constructed in 1602. No Part two fictional Narration. Mhm. To her surprise, Maria was beginning to grow attached to the wondrous new land she had found herself in. She missed her heard back home. Of course, she also missed the sweet taste of the bluegrass in the valley where she was raised, but she liked walking around and leaving hoof prints in the freshly fallen snow. She liked gazing at the tall tower that rose up from behind the castle walls, and imagining what magnificent view it offered out onto the kingdom grounds. But most of all, she liked her new friend