Narration Demo



From audiobooks to documentaries, this voice over demo showcases a wide range of readings. Enjoy calm and relaxed segments, or energetic character storytelling with notes of both deep darkness and extreme lightness.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at the bottom of a long hill, Basilar raised his right hand and silently brought the group to a halt. Ahead of them was a crossroad, a crossroad that appeared to be well traveled but that did not exist on his map or any map he had seen. To the left. The unknown road made its way back into the trees, winding away westward to some unknown destination to the right, The road appeared to lead eastward towards the citadel, which could be made out as a hulking black shape in the distance. Silhouetted against the dark gray of the clowns, the mines called our galaxy the world tree. They were among the first people to look into the stars and see a pattern, a rhythm to the universe. Through their calendars and observatory's, they aspired to understand, to reach beyond themselves. And for thousands of years, mankind has continued his aspiration, reaching for the stars. What you're saying, Stevie, he answered. His s is getting lost in the gap. If the perfect day for a swim come a note, I answered. I got a business proposition for you. Whipping his black hair back on his head, he began to swim expertly over to where I was sitting, the earth women. And then there's business, he said, shooting up out of the water in a pale white flash and running over to his little pile of clothes. I saw the car coming slowly around the block, the Atlantic Ocean dark in the background with a strobe of distant lightning threading gold stitches through the clowns. I entered the other way the smell of garbage pungent in the night air. I knew he personally wanted to turn my back bone into calcium powder. A vast primordial soup developed and give rise to life in species. Amoeba fish wrap time, ma'am. A. The evolutionary chain of life has developed heedlessly for hundreds of millions of years. But this sunrise is unique. I refused to prove that I exist, says God for proof, denies faith and without faith, I am nothing. But, says man, the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? Nothing that useful could have evolved purely by chance. It proves you exist. Therefore, by your own logic, you don't Oh dear says God. I hadn't thought of that and probably vanishes in a puff of logic. Oh, that was easy, says Man, and for the encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets killed at the next zebra crossing. Once, long ago, in a land far away, there lived four little characters who ran through a maze looking for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. Two were mice named Sniff and Scurry, and two were little people, beings who were a small as mice but who looked and acted a lot like people today. Their names were hem and haw. Rules, regulations and baggage fees make it tough to carry more than the bare essentials when traveling. Still, it's amazing what some people are cramming into their luggage. But this unusual suitcase just means the world's most flexible woman has come to town.