Commercial - Vacation / Product / Automotive / Travel / Calm / Busines

Profile photo for Nick Byram
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


chef, food, knives, film, automotive, informative, casual, calm, upbeat, teaching, American, simple

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we're all stars if we dare to shine so bright, said Xo and Pepsi teamed up to celebrate the pop star in all of us. Like giving six flags, park visitors a taste of fame. You've got shops and you know, in your old blade just doesn't cut it. Not like it used to Macy's wet stone is a far better way to sharpen your knives, leaving you with a shiny edge to take on that tomato. What if something familiar was the beginning of a new way of travel? Meet the camo to XD 12, the efficiency of an electric car, the speed of a business airplane. Welcome to a one D. The digital heart of Mexico digit A one D. In Mexico has been the key to building bridges to make traveling easy and make the country a better place to live. The push to work from home has been the conversation for years and now it's been put to the test. The pandemic has forced companies like yours to lean towards remote work. If you're a business owner, the entrepreneur looking to attract more clients, look no further. Peter Productions wants to give back to some of the amazing facilities we've come across in the AMG area.