Audiobook Demo - Young Adult (YA) Fantasy Fiction



In this sample, I narrate multiple teen voices including both boys and girls.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Who are you? He asked, pointing at me. I'm Bianca, I said Bianca as may repeated. This is Anton. Well Bianca, you just ruined day's worth of work Anton said, sorry, it was an accident. What did you bring her here for? He asked. As me. It turns out she began, geez, do you know how long it took me to do all of that? You can't just grab up random kids from the ward and bring them over. You should ask first, he snapped. I'm not running a day care. I'm not a little kid, I said, but neither of them responded. First of all, I didn't grab her up to bring her here, as May said flatly. And second of all, she needs training. Yeah, no joke Anton said, gesturing to the last of the lava and the ruined front door A. J. Dumped her in here before the doctors could talk about the program as May continued. She knows Zilch about keeping her mind focused and Uncluttered by the real world. She could mess up the game at any moment. Rewrite our mods. Just like Andrea who's Andrea I asked crap. You're totally right, Anton seemed to stare out at nothing, then mumbled, Well, come along, let's get you into a safer space so we can walk you through the basics. I didn't much appreciate his tone, but what were my choices as May And I followed Anton through a sliding glass back door and there was an arch. Well the remnants of one, it looked like. This was where he kept his permanent exit portal. The heck Anton said. He walked around the broken arch. The pieces hung in the air as if there was something holding them together. But there really was nothing at all. I was a little happy to see that they hadn't been totally messing with me about needing a portal but Anton looked ******, Anton moved from surveying his old portal to look at us and stepped through the arch as if to make sure it really was ruined. This is very bad. He turned to me. Did you do this? What? No, I said I just got here. I didn't do anything at all remember what I said about poop in the sandbox as me said, you may not know it but your brain might have caused something in the game to mess up and break our portal. I didn't know what to say if I had messed something up. I didn't know what it was. I tried to remember everything that had happened to see if I had stared at some command thing for too long by accident. I'm not sure exactly what happened. I offered, I had just gotten into the game and I was exploring that. I met up with Lonnie and then it was night and zombie showed up and quiet, Anton snapped. Let me think for a moment we stood in silence and after a while I asked so what's with all the traps. I mean it's only a few kids in the game right asthma coughed but it sounded suspiciously like a chuckle. He has trust issues, she said. Inside a game, I asked. No. Outside of the game, she said his significant other is breaking up with him and his parents are forcing him to play a sport he doesn't even like, which he's good at. I was good at Anton, interrupted.