ELearning Demo | Confident, Conversational, Corporate, Professional



A mix of tones and delivery styles ranging from casual, funny, and approachable — to formal, serious, and straightforward deliveries.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Namaste and welcome to the team here at Headspace. We're very excited to have you join our teaching staff and we can't wait to see what you bring to our mindfulness and meditation curriculum. But before all that we're going to go over your benefits, 401k, vacations, you know, all the good stuff. And hey! If you're ever in our Santa Monica studios, there's even a nap pod and a sound booth for those rare moments when you're exhausted or let's say not completely zen and need to get that primal scream out before you start your next class. Payroll is one of the fastest-changing career fields in the business world today. In the first module of our payroll practice and management course, we will help you understand the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 as well as the Internal Revenue Code. Learn the fringe benefits and compensation offerings that could be given by an employer. Today we're going to learn about the five senses. In order to experience the world around us, we see things with our eyes; hear sounds with our ears, smell with our nose, use our hands to touch and our mouths to taste. But not everyone can use all five senses. But when one sense is missing, the other senses get stronger to help them. Hey Leslie, I see that you denied Cliff's recent vacation request. Did something happen? Well, he wanted to take the same time off as the rest of the team. Holiday or not, I couldn't have everyone out. It seems as though Cliff is always the first to be denied his vacation requests. I understand he's a valuable resource when problems arise, but everyone deserves equal access to holiday vacations. The propagation of a wave may either be in an unbounded region where fields exist in an infinite cross-section, such as free space, or in a bounded region where fields exist in a finite cross-section, such as a waveguide or a coaxial transmission line.