What is Industry?

Profile photo for Nikhil Tiwari
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Video Narration


Explain in this audio about industry and their types

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Indian (Hindi) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
wadded industry industry include all those activity through its the raw materials is converted into finish courts. In other words, industry means to production and the manufacturing off courts. Three types, of course, are my affection industry, capital goods, second, consumer goods. TERT intimidate occurs. What is capital goods? Those things which are Hughes and production by other industry, is called capital goods. Consumer goods. Those courts, which are directly put to use for the consumer, is called consumer goods like Brett Clouds Madison. Why did intermediate goods sermon industry manufacturers such goods as pursuit in some other industry to produce some needs? Peace goods such as co intimidate goods, for example, plussed forever al ammonium.