Character Reel - Video Game, Animation, Film, Anime, Dubbing, Cartoon

Profile photo for Nina Nikolic
Talent Online


Samples of my previous voice roles including:
- quirky Australian
- mysterious seductive East European queen
- enthusiastic American boy
- adorable American critter
- adventurous British accent soldier
- geeky American teen
- straight Artificial Intellegence advertisement
- babbling Baby

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So I have some bad news. I'm going to be delayed an extra couple of days. So I won't be able to make it there until some. Well, let's get started then that shovel we brought wasn't for decoration. You know, help me bury this. The real value in life is to love, to be loved, to have love. It must have been five years since we last met. Why we were only a pair of girls back then. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Harry is no turning back now. So. Hm, ok, I take back my word. You will die in a month. Everyone calls me oie. So cool. I wish I could have seen that be kinder to the poor. He's only just begun to learn the art. I don't have much bridge making experience. I mostly have accidentally blowing up bridges experience. The senate has given full powers to the consul to lead an army and plant the first seed towards creating a colony on earth.