Quality Medical Training Demo

Profile photo for Nicholas Volpe
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Medical training is an incredibly important aspect of informative guides, new employee onboarding, and refresher courses. It's critical the voice supplying the training is clear, articulate, and most of professional. I provide all of these traits in a well-paced demo showcasing my confidence and understanding of the material. Demo uses a script provided by Voices.com

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the I H N believes in reflecting on Evers and asking how they happened and what others can learn from them is the most powerful tool we can have to ensure the same Evers are never repeated. The I H N has a three pillar question process that we always need to adhere to after an ever inpatient care is identified. Number one. How did they ever occur? Number two. What did you learn from it? Number three. What can others learn from it? After those questions were answered, the I H N begins a process with the patients immediate family and or caregivers toe ask. How was the ever explained to you by our staff? Do you want your loved one to continue receiving treatment at this specific facility? What were your main concerns after the ever