Commercial demo

Television Ad


Adverts and commercials in different styles

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) Caribbean (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I was born fast, faster than those who would challenge me. I was born strong, quiet and confidence and blessed with might. I was born with instinctive quickness, quick to recognize, to adapt, to respond, quick to be quick. I was born to be seen by everything but the wind. I was born at the beginning of the last century, but I am undoubtedly of the next century. I am Jaguar born to perform. Meet the wolf pack. These scoundrels have always been best mates. First up, Dave loves a Barbie but not so keen on sharing. It's the same with football. It wouldn't pass, it hit him in the head next up Chester. He's a looker. You can't get him out of the bathroom and finally fill the steady guy. You put fire in everything you touch mcnulty and then you walk away. Clark Peters returns as Lester Freamon in season three of the Wire tonight at the University of Exeter, we're committed to your well being and safety. The last two years have been difficult for everyone across the world and we understand that you might be feeling apprehensive about starting university this year. However, you feel we have dedicated welfare support available to all our students. 24 7. So there is always someone to talk to if you need it. We can't wait to welcome you to our friendly, fun and supportive community where the University of Exeter and we're committed to you. There is a story where bravery challenges, the laws of nature. Men feed on effort and pride. The court of the subject is stroke, the sharp cold wind, Even when it's upwind, thrust you to go on ice, snow, rain and sun don't scratch the hero's armor. This is our story where men take off to the finish line that will make them immortal. They join the heroes and become gods but only the strongest will wear the pink. This is Gerard Italian, the toughest race, most beautiful place.