Indian & Neutral English Showreel

Profile photo for Peter Abraham
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This showreel is a compilation of some of the voiceover work I've done for brands like Asics, Oppo, LG and Europa Universalis (videogame trailer)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The power to lead comes with the responsibility to succeed and the right gear makes you better prepared. Live uplifted a six sound mind sound body in the beginning there was an obsession, an obsession to bring you the quality you deserve to launch you into a new world of endless possibilities. To turn your world upside down, to experience life at lightning speed, to offer you unparalleled technology and continuous innovation to enthrall you with the best to excite you with even more speed, to captivate your senses when we waste food, waste money, we waste energy, waste water, waste effort and we waste love Western merchants highly value what we have in abundance. So we opened our rank to their grasping hands through pulling and perjury. The foreign kings and our masters of India. But now we push back. We will use their strength against them. We can be our own masters.