Hidden In Paris by Corine Gantz

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Hidden In Paris by Corine Gantz. Carpenter Hill Publishing. The story of a mother of 3 living in Paris, trying to pick up the pieces of a broken heart.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


French (Parisienne) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a gust of January wind entered with Luca, and he wrestled with the door to close it. He blew on his fingers, tucked his hands in the pockets of his black coat and shuffled toward the stove like a penguin in a very affected show of self pity. Oh, give me a break! And he said. Luca approached the stove, sniffed the boiling soup with suspicion, put his hands over the heat of the pot for a few seconds before removing his coat and folding his lanky body into a kitchen chair. Do you have any of that very bad American coffee? He asked, and he rose from her chair and turned her back to him, mostly so that he wouldn't see her smile. She was, after all, officially matted him, and he had her. She grabbed a Mickey Mouse mug from the Cabinet and moved the coffee pot from the countertop to the table, all the while worrying about the size of her *** in that bathroom. She did not exactly slam the mug on the table, but she wasn't gentle, either, as she poured the coffee for him