Animation & Characters - Reel



A selection of character voice work, from the sublime to the ridiculous.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Philip as a class absalon operative assigned to CBS 22, we just call it the gap. Please mind the gap a little joke. Let's get started. This place houses mystical artifacts, sorcerers and all kinds of creatures Here you'll train and see if you can live up to the expectations. Barry is a comic. Wait, why is comic in quotes. Life is hard, killing is harder and then I put my claws around you. Some lobster love has found you boil and boil and heat is vicious. Spoiler alert. I'm a be delicious. Not even the rain can dampen the spirit here today as the people of London pay their homage to the lunar, I will defeat you after us. We shall see Megatron make some room for two honkin gooey chewy chocolate chip cookies smashed on either side of that Swedish scoop. I take my bounty. Who is my prey. I have traveled the world, picking out only the best. Oh no! Have come and done this. Autumn wind as a man of its own. My name is your Chicago. Akira. I usually have no problem sleeping until morning. You are a troublesome thing that would hinder my sleep. Therefore my enemy. I didn't see you there and that's just the way I like it.