Inspiration _ Valleys

Video Narration


Inspirational, empathetic, life course narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
For almost 30 years we've lived, breathed and embodied this brand. We've done well. Our eyes have stayed lifted. Our vision remains clear. These first three decades are also called the Odyssey Years. They're part of a journey you can look at as two mountains. The first mountain for the 1st 30 years is about achievement, an acquisition. It's about self expansion and conquest often and not unusually around age 30. Something happens. It may start with some sort of loss, our job, our health, a family member. And it may feel like we're in a valley that life has taken you down to a different place. We aren't alone in this valley. In fact, our whole society is experiencing it. While we're down in that valley, we have choices. We can choose to be broken open in this valley, this place, if we stop for a moment and listen, we can hear the murmur of our desiring heart, and we can feel our yearning soul, that thing inside of us. And it's this heart and soul that renews our inner strength, lifts us up and gives us a new perspective. It's our heart and soul that set us toward the second of mountain in search of a greater good with more to love and more to give, we emerge ready to make new commitments, give us an identity sense of purpose and begin to define our moral character. Choosing and navigating our commitments define our lives success.