Television Ad


1. Energetic, you-gotta-try-this
2. Character vegan valley girl
3. Soothing, inspiring, intimate tourism
4. Excited little boy adventurous tourism
5. It-girl, badass cosmetic

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
more bars for less money. Big wireless carriers give you great networks, but did you know straight talk wireless runs on those same networks to weigh made this product specifically for vegans and for non vegans and for normally not vegan but sometimes flexi veggie person Terrians. If you happen to be any of the above, then our non existent target group analysis report says that you just might be the right person for this product. Blur the line between wander and wonder. This is Nevada the weirdest wildest West. Don't let these days get away. Let your adventure begin. You bet were treasure hunters huge coral heads, a troop of circling turtles. Cash rich and curiosity quenched a NCruz adventures. New brilliant eyes, high impact shadow with up just 16 hour where because you're worth it.