Monologue Story, General Audition, Rae Serbeck

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Monologue Story, General Audition, Rae Serbeck

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
razorbacks monologue audition. Listen people going to do what they're gonna do, especially your brother, you were probably too young to remember this, I was five, so d was four and we're playing power rangers. We have created this epic wild animal gladiator battle type scenario and it's getting kind of intense so we're on a break and we're knocking back some kool Aid and whatnot and all of a sudden he leans over secretive and he's like I'm going to the zoo tomorrow and I'm thinking cool we're going to do tomorrow because you know how I do, I don't like to miss events. So I cleared my schedule for the next day and when I come over here in the morning your mom asked the door and she calls for d he doesn't come out and I say he's not still sleeping is he? We've got to get to the zoo and your mom looks at me like zoo and I walk with her back to Andy's room and that little baller has bounced and I'm saying bounced for real got up all early, put some miles behind before that sun came up. This kid was not playing and he was actually going in the right direction to is the crazy thing because when the cops finally find him, he's like on the other route. But I just remember waiting right here looking at the door terrified because to me at that time the dangerous thing about getting to the zoo without a grown up, it was one of the animals would eat you. So I've got these visions of the like Standing at the snack shop trying to buy a $5 hot dog and then a bear tackles him and it's over and I don't have a best friend no more, you know, And as far as my five year old brain is concerned, the probability of that happening is like 95%. So I'm basically in mourning and then that door opens and it's your mom and she's got dinner arms and she's looking straight up ******. He's looking grown man angry because he wasn't finished with his business, what I'm saying And your mom was crying and crying because you know, she thought she had lost her baby. And the only thing I could think was don rails and vince, he wrestled the bear and he won and he doesn't even have a scratch. I've never doubted him and I never worry about him ever since. That's on the real