Rebekah voice demo of ads

Profile photo for Rebekah Smith
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


I trained at Del Mar media arts studio and they helped me arrange this demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, this is Rebecca Smith. Love gardening, hate weeds, love peanut butter, hate carbs. New Hershey's 1 g sugar carb bars. What's not to love nasty mouth? Clean it up with Orbit Gum. A good clean feeling no matter what. Orbit Gum. Most people think I must drink you at least 10 cups of coffee to be so perky in the morning. Truth is I like skim milk first thing, milk. It's good food. What is tastier? The fact that my tivo box gets all my reality shows or that I just got it for $99. You've got a life tivo gets it. What travels through our networks are not just data but people's lives. Verizon. How can we help solve your problem? Feel free to escape to the islands of endless wonder. Tahiti. Ok, guys, you think girls dig you because you're funny or smart or because of the cute sports car you drive may sound shallow but girls like guys because of how guys look, period. So wear Levi 50 ones and the hair. Once in a while. I don't know a carburetor from a radiator. But I figure if I drive a Honda, I don't have to mcdonald's is now offering their once a year barbecue MC Rib, uh, better bring a big new Ultra Tide. If it's got to be clean, it's gotta be tied. One of the best things about going to the movies is the popcorn. Well, now you can have the great loy taste right in your own home with smart pop. Just pop it in the microwave and smart pop. It's like going to the movies.