English, cartoon, animation, children book, narration, characters

Profile photo for Rebeccca Barra
Not Yet Rated


A demo to show my variety of voices and creativity.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My name is Rebecca Barbara and this is my normal speaking voice sneaker. Master loves us. My process. Well, hello there. Have you ever had your hair washed by a professional. Well if you haven't come on down to Barbie's salon. I wish I could be his little girlfriend in that show with the pink ball on top of my meatball head. I love him. Hey yo you ever been to Long Island and had a piece of meat on a sandwich at a deli? That was down the street from your uncle brother's house? Well now you do. We'll feed you the best meat sandwich you've ever had. The nautilus was floating in the midst of a phosphorescent layer which in the semi darkness seemed extraordinarily bright. Right? This effect was produced by Myriads of tiny luminous animals whose glitter increased as they touched the submarines. Metal hull come on down to Belize and we'll give you the best brake job. Yeah. That's brought down here on Louisiana street and we can do what we can to help you get where you need to go. Hello dear. This is your grandmother calling. Hi grandma. Yes. Have you heard about this flat earth theory? Oh my God totally. Isn't it nuts like you look at the moon? It's round like we gotta be around too. Big mouths Big Mouse. I think there's a ghost in the room that keeps calling. Who? Big mouth side got up and listened. It's only an owl. It stays up all night like you. Can I come in your bed asked little Mouse. Know your paws are always cold. Thank you for listening. My name is Rebecca Barbara, and this is my normal speaking voice, High hopes.