Commercial Demo

Television Ad


This demo demonstrates my voice range and different types of commercial reads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
introducing the new crown Royal maple finish an exceptionally smooth whiskey that masterfully blends the signature caramel and vanilla nose of ground royal, adding a warm and woody maple touch and with this precious new bundle you want to start their life on a path of good nutrition with the magic bullet baby bullet care system. Make an entire week's worth of healthy, perfectly blended baby food packed with all the nutrients your baby needs. Is that for me? Hi santa. Hi Susan. I am, I really hate to break it to you buddy, but I have some bad news. What I already had all of your gifts elections delivered, you mean the razor's lego Minecraft you haven't here already. That's right with amazon prime. I got free two day shipping que semillas unique combination of ingredients in a once daily pill will help you eat less by reducing your appetite and allowing you to feel more satisfied with what you've eaten, you'll minimize snacking, overeating and you'll see life changing results. Summer has arrived and that means hot days, tons of fun and everyone is dehydrated, don't let that happen to you or your kids grab a low sugar, completely natural in flavor filled comparison at city. We believe in everyone's potential, which is why city is giving back to community sports programs to help future athletes every step of the way. Yeah, this is ash Anders. Thanks for listening