How many characters can you hear?

Profile photo for Joanne Evans
Not Yet Rated


Animation is a blast! You can have so much fun with voices, acting and more - have a listen and hope it makes you smile!

Vocal Characteristics




British (General) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
£3 of the amaze Set your heart to blame the apartment Crazy booth I excited my Westerners tingling Let the magic begin When you're the best Forget about the rest Eyes that a microphone in your pocket Or are you just having seen you sugar Don't get Joe Pink Buddhist show So far that way Snick is the snake is I wish of a very cold to rise Caylee skin against my I am so I could teach the world to Hubble. Oh, what you supposed to be a Loy in my comb has more teeth than you. Prince says Please don't cry because no one can hear you and they never Well, last night you would like some desperate howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again. More delicious than tattoos of a chair being a bug, A D. C. Got abandonment issues. My father flew away when I was a love life Little bubble were worth is going to have to start in, Captain Cook. But you mean uncured of a button And put a personality Joanne Young Evans happy and