
Profile photo for Tim Scott
Not Yet Rated


Many years in the broadcasting industry

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it was the worst time of Geraldine's life. She took her three kids and finally left her abusive partner terrified he'd find her. She had no place to call home. Well, Geraldine. Search for an apartment. She left her Children in good hands and kids college plus they gave her resources to help get their new life together today. They're a happy family ship. Feel like crap man. I have the worst called ever. This sneezing and sniffling and there's this red job whole whereby those used to be a great how about a tissue? Welcome my minions to the mausoleum of the macabre with county traditions. What you're looking to become one of the Children of the night. Just dressing up the kids counting tradition says everything's great. Halloween, creepy costumes, makeup and accessories. 20 to 50% off bob. Please don't talk to the customers in that voice. You're freaking out. The kids scared county tradition bob 52 boulevard and she would park called +780416 36 15 am crazy, Very nice. I have done it. I have created our boss is away on vacation and we're in charge and we're selling over 100 pre owned cars for 100 10 grand and we've got 40 cars for 100 5 grand. Don't have the cash right now. We'll loan it to you. Some kids want to be motocross superstars. But what's wrong with your kids wanting to be like you no matter what your age or ability. Suzuki has got you covered with a full line of off road and trail bikes for you and your family. Suzuki, the winning balance. Let's see in my wallet. I have the gas card, credit card, phone card, I have a driver's license, a parking and lottery tickets, pin numbers, phone numbers, numbers written in lipstick receipts, lots of receipts, a football schedule, ticket stubs, photos. O, hey look, a guitar pick and directions to a party from last year. Maybe I should get rid of this. But one thing I don't have is cash. I hate it when that happens.