Full Commercial Demo_Rickel Hayes

Radio Ad


Commercial demo - warm, quirky, fun, relatable, youthful.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Travel EUROPE comfortably in a Eurostar train. This high speed railway service will connect you from London to Paris, Amsterdam to Brussels and many more top European destinations. At the Keller Science Museum, kids could dream up and create almost anything they want. Uncover fossils from beneath the dirt Makesem ooey gooey mud that slips through your fingers or you superstrong magnifying lenses to see everyday objects in a whole new way. The monster 34 door inspiring technology in a car that creates confidence with power sliding glass, moon roof and perforated leather sports seats. Thean fect of the new technology in the Mazda three ISS. Subtle, I said. Released the harness, You fool, I'm going down. We never rehearse this. It's dangerous out there. What are you thinking? I'm thinking about getting my hands on a light, refreshing Pinkberry explosion of summer salted caramel. That makes sense. Get one for me to you know I will. I love you, Carol. I love you. You know the feeling Cramping, bloated, painful aches all over my body. A girlfriend put to liquid a leave in my hand In 20 minutes my pain was gone. 12 hours later, I still felt amazing. Now, other pain relief medicines seem like a joke. Flavors like tropical tied passion, fruit, mango and orange pineapple tango will add a delicious and hydrating boost to your amazing summer day. Dehydration never happens with a good priest. SUNRUN stock for your summer at capri san dot com This is Rachael Hayes. Thanks for listening.