RIO ROCKET | UNI-MIND - Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Child, Grandfather

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Multiple Character VO Sci-Fi/Fantasy spot with funny but believable comedic delivery.

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Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


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I'd say mind set bucks super scope on that. Rocket man. Squad super super super super san Francisco. It's time to build a squad Rocky man. I have two tickets to a networking event today we build a squad. Alrighty then let's do it together. Squad networking networking networking go team. What did you watch their grandpa? You're watching an old cartoon. Where did you find that? I didn't know you were interested in such things grandpa. Tell me about the old days. The old days. Yeah. Back when you were my age. Okay, well after I tell you it's time to power down deal deal. A long, long time ago people roamed about freely with their smart devices connected wirelessly to an internet smart device. Well they were handheld devices that work quite dumb actually. They couldn't operate on their own and required a person to ask them questions to go get answers from a search engine called google. You mean they actually had to hold them and speak into them. Yes, they certainly did. These smart devices didn't know what they were already thinking. Like let me finish the story. So people used these smart devices to go on these sites called social networks. There was one called, the name slips my mind. Ah yes. My space a place where they connected with their friends. You mean they actually had friends that yes, they sure did pretty strange. So they connected with these friends and friends of friends. Is that how you met my nana? Yes your grandma went from my space to my place. So anyway they would go out to these places called restaurants to consume. But first they check the ratings on what was it called. Ah yes, yelp. Yelp. That sounds like something you say when you accidentally sit on a bio converter. Well, yelp told people which restaurants had bad food and which had the good food they actually ate back then. They sure did. And through their mouths, can you believe that gross, they were savages. Don't be so ******* people back then I threw my mouth once grandpa, you were a savage. It's how things were and we But more than that in our well, the point is that back then we drove ourselves around, cooked our food, build things by hand and even so people couldn't move things with their mind like they can now. Oh no, it's nothing like it is now in 2091. That was science fiction to us back then. We even had to meet new people to help get to where we wanted in life too. Unbelievable grandpa. Everyone knows everyone already. Why would you ever meet anyone? It was called networking back then we were born knowing no one, we had to meet every single person one by working. Sounds silly. What changed? Well, a young man named Sedwick Edgefield invented a cybernetic on Tana MS robot called the networker which did all your networking for you see, but he went on a show called shark tank with billionaire investors who all turned him down. I know shark tank. I downloaded that from the archives. I like kevin. He's so dead to me. Sedwick became so angry. He vowed to become more wealthy and powerful than all the sharks combined. And he did just that. A man named Ellen invested $1 trillion in the networker. Only a trillion dollars. Sounds like a broken hey, watch your neurotransmitters. It's OK. So said Wicks network grew, grew and the technology evolved rapidly at hyperspeed becoming what we now call the Uni mine. Uni. Uni. Uni Mine Uni mine. You'll be fine. 7 14 29. The Uni mine is what connects us all the result of an intelligence explosion from said wicks brilliant intelligent agent, which in 2027 entered a runaway reaction of self improvement cycles. Each new uh More intelligent generation developing more rapidly. And by the 14th day of July 2029 creating a singularity of super intelligence. We need not to make friends, not to eat, build or even move about because we are all plugged in. We are everywhere and everything, grandpa. That's so lit. They used to say that when I was young to stop saying it then why is that? I didn't scan that in the archives. I can't be on record in the mind saying time to power down you little unit. The mind, you'll be fine. 7 14 20 And you'll be fine. 7 1429. You need mine. 5 7 1429. Four B. j.