Storytelling and Sales - Part 2

Profile photo for Robin Taylor
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This is the second part of the whiteboarding video I did for the sales curriculum. It breaks down the different parts of a compelling story. I wrote the script and created the video with VideoScribe.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
telling a story has six parts. The exposition, the inciting incident, the rising action, the climax resolution, the falling action and the final resolution. Let's take a closer look at this story to determine the key parts. Here's the exposition where we set the stage and introduced the main character Alex in the basic plot. The inciting incident is the trigger that kicks off the plot. The business begins to expand, requiring more data access and then the rising action building tension and suspense. In this story, the company starts expanding rapidly, Even more data systems are bolted on. The rising action then reaches the next step. The climax followed quickly with a timely resolution. Acme goes public and headquarters can't get at the data they need when they need it to make critical business decisions. The hero, Rpai System arrives in the nick of time. Then we have the falling action where we wrap things up and signaled the end of the story. Everyone is happy with the pie system and business is going well. The final resolution where we drive home the main point tie up any loose ends and described the happily ever after Acne limited signs and enterprise Agreement. The end, thank you so much for watching and happy storytelling