My deep, calm, and clear narration voice done in English.

Profile photo for Robbert van Eck
Not Yet Rated
Voice Assistant


I specialize in finances, but am not afraid to step into any industry. I can even do animation, audiobooks, podcasts, videogames and tv commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In 2022, the National Retail Federation took retail further. Starting with events where we convened retailers to tackle the industry's biggest challenges. We were excited to welcome back thousands of retailers and partners from the US and around the world to retail's big show, We brought more than 100 bipartisan senators and representatives out of their offices and to an R. F. S. retail advocates summit to connect with 150 retailers of all sizes. Supply chain 3 60 was our inaugural supply chain event drawing retailers nationwide for two days of networking, education and exhibits, marketers I. T. Leaders and digital focused retail professionals export innovations at Nrf nexus. Throughout the year, Nrf brought retailers together for hundreds of opportunities to connect and learn.