Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the end of the critic's cious, the continents are taking their modern forms. But this movement of the earth's crust has produced a surge in volcanic activity. This desolate world is still ruled by dinosaurs, but they're nearing the end off their reign. Life on Earth is choking to death. On a blue sky afternoon, you can almost hear the beads of condensation rolling down a chilled Mitchell on a glass. Ah, small group of visitors lasers on palapa shaded loungers. In the distance off foursome walks, the wet driven where sand meets the Pacific. Welcome to the busiest section of beach in San Francisco, Mexico. The flames came through here eight years ago, racing down from the hills, upending lives, sending wildlife, fleeing and turning trees into torches that blazed through the night. Franciscan friar Junipero Serra headed to the New World from this bill, Eric Island, off Spain's east coast. Eventually he established nine California mission. Today, my orcas capital City Palma hums with activity both in Spanish and Catalan, while heavenly beaches rim the island. Long before she was a roots rock sensation. Cheryl Crow holder skills by singing backup for Don Henley and Michael Jackson and jamming with other L A based musicians in the Tuesday night Music Club. But by the time her catchy single, All I Want to Do storm the radio and earned her three Grammys in 94 it was clear she'd make it as a solo singer songwriter. 1993 Baby Boomers Take Charge When 46 year old Bill Clinton became president on January 20th the baby boom generation officially came of age.