Commercial for Zero Card

Radio Ad


Commercial demo featuring characters, humour and the sell of a product

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We live in a world with lots of claims about your health. Your stubborn berry Fadden Circassians Drink tea from organic spring fed pear trees. Ray grow here in 10 days. Unicorns really exist. Let's face it, 99.7% of these offers are pure and utter hogwash. But it turns out there is one offer that is 110% truth. High quality health care at zero cost. EU sound too good to bury. It isn't. It's called zero card, and the best part about it is you already have it. Welcome to zero card. You are a member. Your employer added zero carting your company's health plan. They must really love you. Zero Car provides hundreds of health care services from industry leading doctors and specialists. Healthcare services like lab work, physical therapy. Emma Ryan, CT Scans on hundreds of surgical procedures or you pay for these covered services is zero Yes, zero