Commercial Showreel

Radio Ad


Commercial showreel featuring character work, humour, a friendly sell, descriptive work and more. Featuring content gauged for all ages.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
robin passes, So it's two in the morning and your starving nothing in the fridge and nothing in the carpets. You don't even have a dog Biscuits hanging around beer drinker. Let flavour Lee handily flavours mixed cases help you discover your next favourite beer from award winning craft brewers. All from the comfort of your heart extra. The elephant thie African buffalo is renowned for its exceptional memory. They are known toe ambush and attack hunters that have wounded or injured Pick up our £10 doing Tesco today and when a big night in bundle without 25 k give away. Go on, love it. Sharing the Radisson Blue Hotel, just like space stations, is powered by fuel cell technology. A fuel cell works basically like a very large, very powerful battery. What's stronger? Stinks like a *****. I could soothe. Find out. Next on Discovery kids. Every so often, an innovation comes along to create a big difference of its Corning's higher performance composites ofthe that type of game changer. The additional trays either side of this compact board means is actually rather large. So first shop. And then you know the score. Swipe left in the car, stops and swipe right for the good stuff. Robin Parsons