Car Dealership Commercial

Profile photo for Rogier Bak
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A commercial spot for an SUV dealership promoting a sales event. With a deep, gritty, and commanding voice, Rogier grabs and maintains the listener's attention through clear diction and a convincing message.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If you're all about power under the hood, driving across all terrain and championing any weather, listen up. Mountain Range Automotive specializes in the toughest SUVs fit to withstand whatever Mother nature throws at you. Come in for a special five day spring cleaning sale, where you can save up to 35% on a brand new SUV that's sure to turn heads, check out Mountain Range, Automotive online. Or better yet, come and see us in person. We're sure you'll like what you see. Mountain Range automotive SUVs above all else.