Online Ad about a productivity app

Online Ad


This voice over is a demo of how I would voice over for an online ad.
(subject to change depending on advert)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The 21st century has changed the way we organize our lives. We use technology to track how long we slept. How many steps we've taken in a million milestones in between from when to pick up Timmy's birthday cake to when the next report is due. So why do our personal and professional goals still feel so out of reach? We've never been so measured or so burnt out. What if there was an app that knew your personal preferences and long term goals that could deliver a personalized ever evolving calendar. They created true balance in your life, an app that helped you achieve everything you've ever dreamed of step by step on a schedule that works for you. Introducing We Equilibrium, the productivity app that provides you with a custom diversified routine that equally considers your need for both work and leisure. Download it for free and we Equilibrium dot com today.