Commander discussing battle, Military Inspection Monster roaming

Profile photo for Robert McGovern
Not Yet Rated


Self written and composed

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sergeant American. Sergeant American. Come in. Sergeant Sergeant American. Do you read me? Yes, sir. We do. I do read you, sir. Artists are coming up on both flanks now. I think it's time you get your men together figure out where, where you want to attack from and and from base camp to out in that perimeter. Yeah, We've already worked on it, sir. Ah, I should have known better. You're a good man. American. Take to the task. Thank you. Best of luck. Thank you sir. You also in the days when dinosaurs around the earth no one was more afraid of the monster called Bondra, now that the ground shakes and the trees tremble like twigs. Is this a nightmare or a return of that awful beast, Mahendra as the fog thickens and slowly rolls in across the fields, narrowly aimed at the farmhouse in the midst of a heavily wooded forest. Slowly hearing, there is a low pitched hum, a very base like growl. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Master Sergeant O. N. T. Of Forward and I will be your drill. Or maybe I should say your constant companion and friends from here on in. And I hope that you are on my friendship, as I will yearn to honor yours. So, ladies and gentlemen, you are dismissed