Narration 1

Profile photo for Robert McGovern
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Confident tones and voice overs

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ah, the morning breeze, the one that glides in slow motion, the one that refreshes all in its path can be experienced anywhere. As long as your imagination lifts and carries you away to thoughts of peace and dreams. Soon it is winter and we await the build up of winds that come from the darkened skies at night. And as the winter chill envelops all trees and silently but surely lulls them to sleep and suspend their growth with creeping cold and silent, noiseless winds. They too now will sleep until the spring appears the day after a sunny day. Keep that day alive. The sky colored in a vivid blue clouds that were pillows of light, comfort the air that soothed our quiet lungs and birds that played softly in the sky. Bring forth that day today. Take a memory chunk of the past and capture it today. Pleasing then was the happiness once again in our life circle. A change has arrived. Looking forward while amidst a tough rude but pure winter, spring. Ah, yes, spring has arrived, caught by surprise. The blooms have eased their way skyward in bright radiant colors.