Video Game Demo, Character, Soldier, Demon, Fantasy, Villagers, PC



Samples of various characters I have contributed to the gaming world. Games include: Titan Quest, Sine Mora, World of Warships, Jagged Edge Alliance & More

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Dutch North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Our main gun is damaged and the ship is on fire tabbed to use a damage control kit. Now check your profile then let's return to the ports. Sir, we are trapped. There are German soldiers everywhere. I'm hit. I need a medic. Well, I refuse to follow in his footsteps. Come the end of the world. I want to go out smiling and poetry brings a smile to my face. Isn't that what it's really all about? How did you get here? You want to stop me. Us God will burn. I'll turn you to ash in literature. Revenge is undertaken only after lengthy monologues after the accused has a chance to speak up for himself. My father gave him no such chance. He killed the ******* in cold blood without saying a word. This is amazing. Can we see one closer up? Awesome. This thing is bad *** Cobalt King calling headquarters 1204 76 12 beginning descent. Do you copy the death of my father affected me so deeply that I immediately retreated into the distant past. I needed privacy. I had to reflect. Yes, those creatures were nasty, whatever they wanted. But I'm not the one for myths and legends. People say the gods abandoned us, but I'm not so sure they were ever influential in the first place. Great work guys. Now, does anyone know how to drive a tank? You have it all? Oh, and my beer stranger. You are indeed wonderful. You know what? Damn this storm I have seen birth.