Commercial Voice Over Demo

Profile photo for Samantha Bednarz
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


This demo provides a little bit of everything that I am currently capable of in the general voice over field, from commercials to elearning and business.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's a land, an amazing land where the further you go to get away, the closer it brings you make this this summer, you discover this fantastic land called colorado. So let's say you want to have a good day. No, a great day. Groupon can help step one. Wake up off to a good start. Considering the alternative, imagine a world without wires. Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. Will you join us in changing the world? There are those who say there aren't enough hours in the day and then there are those who make the most of every moment. Blue Hills Bank were go getters, get things done. I couldn't stop laughing. I mean me win the lottery. I couldn't believe it. The Connecticut lottery somebody's got to win. It's making tennis accessible to every person, with the desire to play us ta making tennis make a difference. Each night as we close our eyes and slip away from the waking world, we may enter an even richer one, the elusive realm of dreams