Explainer Demo ~ Samuel Fleming - Friendly, Genuine, Natural

Video Narration


Understandably, Samuel is hired \"A Lot\" to perform Explainer videos in a way that only he can. Totally Relatable, and sounding like the Guy-Across-The-Street, Samuel emulates a feeling of Trust.

Amusing, Animated, Attitude, Attractive, Authoritative, Believable, Calming, Caring, Character, Classy, Cocky, Concerned, Confident, Conversational, Corporate, Educational, Executive, Father, Friendly, Generation X, Generation Y, Genuine, Guy Next Door, Happy, High Energy, Informative, Kid Next Door, Knowledgeable, Midlife, Motivational, Narrator, Natural, Perky, Playful, Political, Pompous, Professional, Relatable, Religious, Retail, Retro, Scientific, Serious, Sincere, Smooth, Softspoken, Soothing, Sophisticated, Southern American, Storyteller, Strong, Sweet, Technical, Trusting Teenager, Tenor, Thoughtful, Transatlantic, Upbeat, Uplifting, Urban, Warm, Youthful

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Spanish (South American - General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
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