Character Demo: Sensual Enchantress, Desperate Mother, Caterpillar



This dry demo lets you listen to my Character personalities and voices without being masked by audio glitches and background music.
A sensual, slightly unhinged Enchantress, a desperate Asian mother, a cute kid trying to... *ahem*, regular Sam, and a comical, villainous caterpillar.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Eastern European (General) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
As a noble spider climbed ever higher. Ghostly voices called out. Hm. Talking in, whispering in rhymes, shouting in nonsense and threatening in lies. I'm sorry, life is too difficult. I didn't know what else I could do. Sorry, mummy, sorry Mr Star. Can you close your eyes for a while? I'm trying to pop in the garden. No, I'm just regular Sam. I guess I wake up, I eat, I shower. Um, I work nothing too interesting. Just like every other human. Really. I'm not going to throw it. You fool. I am going to drink it and when I morph into a beautiful butter for myself, I'm going to kill him. I