Commercial Demo featuring 7 distinct spots with a variety of accents.

Television Ad


A conversational tone for the McD spot, an Asian accent on Malaysia Travel, one with gravitas for Nike, a happy and lively tone for Sesame Street, sensual and elegant for Swarovski, a silly take on the Hokey Pokey Ice Cream spot, and finally, a cool vibe for Samsung.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Standard Mandarin Chinese Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
100% fresh beef, seasoned with just a pinch of salt and pepper. Sizzled on a flat iron grill on a sesame seed bun. But travel is about discovery. The new, the different, the unforgettable travel through a tropical experience to a melting pot of cultures and mouthwatering cuisine. It's time to say as we welcome you. The only one who can tell you that you can't is you and you don't have to listen. Nike Sesame Street comes to life, bring the entire family to world on rides, splash down slides, learn, grow and hug your favorite furry friends, sensual, elegant, refined, the perfect expression of style, exquisite and crunchy, chewy bits and Bobs they're adding to the ice cream. Have you tried the hokey pokey? It'll burst in your mouth and that's why it's all about who we don't follow the vs. We break them. The Samsung Galaxy Z flip phone reimagined. If it sounds like we tried to rethink the phone we did. Hey, hey, it's Sam.