Facts about White Noise_Narrated by Sanjoy Dazz in English

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Not Yet Rated


From the Fun Facts Series on YouTube talking about the concept of WHITE NOISE.
Narration by yours truly... Sanjoy Dazz

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mhm. White noise is rapidly becoming a popular way to help the body and brain relax for a good night's sleep. White noise is a type of noise that is produced by combining sounds of all different frequencies together. If you took all of the imaginable tones that a human can hear and combine them together, you would have white noise. The objective white is used to describe this type of noise because of the way white light works. White light is light that is made up of all of the different colors frequencies of light combined together. A prism or a rainbow separates white light back into its component colors. In the same way white noise is a combination of all of the different frequencies of sound. You can think of white noise as 20,000 tones all playing at the same time. Here are some simple ways your sleep benefits from white noise. Okay. Mm hmm. Build a bedtime ritual. If you have trouble falling asleep or even if you don't, it's a good idea to practice a routine before bed. Both for Children and adults. Make sleep hygiene a habit. Mm hmm. Quiet bedroom. For optimal sleep. You need the optimal sleep environment. White noise buffers disturbing sounds and creates a quiet cocoon regardless of your surroundings or sleep situation shuts down your busy brain ever have trouble falling asleep because your phone won't stop buzzing our personal worries. Keep you awake. White noise can help it's even shown to help ease symptoms of anxiety. There's a reason some people use it to meditate once asleep, stay asleep by masking sounds that might interrupt your sleep. White noise protects your peaceful slumber and if you do wake up it's often easier to fall back asleep sleep more soundly. You may not realize how many times you wake up each night, but even if you don't remember it in the morning, those little interruptions affect the quality of your sleep. Give white noise a try and see if you don't wake up feeling more refreshed, take white noise anywhere while you can't count on your environment, you can manage the noise factor if you've got a sound machine and many are compact and portable, making them easy to throw into a suitcase, diaper bag or handbag or just download or play online from a video with white noise. It's given in the link below in the description deeper sleep, white noise doesn't only help people to get sleep faster or helps them to sleep deeper to by drowning out loud noises such as traffic and televisions. White noise allows the brain to focus solely on getting to sleep right during meditation for the same reasons white noise can be used during meditation, listening to white noise will satisfy the craving of sensory input and help to wind down your mind and find a state of peace and calm. White noise helps to relax and to boost concentration, which can be helpful for relaxation exercises or during meditation exercise where the aim is to train your attention for babies. Many parents rely on white noise when it comes to calming down there crying baby or helping to fall asleep. This is because before both the baby was used to a lot of different noises such as the heartbeat, respiration and digestion of the mother. All those noises came in form of white noise. Playing white noise to your baby creates a familiar and calming environment which helps the baby to come and fall asleep. For people with A. D. D. Or A. D. H. D. People that suffer from A. D. D. Or A. D. H. D. Have a hard time paying attention and concentrating. External distractions and annoying noises can be an extra challenge for them since they're more easily distracted by their surroundings. Listening to white noise can effectively help to block out these annoying noises and help to create a distraction free environment. This will allow them to concentrate better, improve the cognitive function and increase overall productivity. For people with Tonight us Tonight is is a condition where people here are ringing or buzzing in the years. Between 50 to 60 million people in the United States suffer from this condition. It is mostly noticed when things are quiet around such as in silent rooms or at night. Since studying concentrated work and sleeping require most of the time. A more quiet environment. White noise can help to mask the noise coming from tinnitus and thus help to minimize its impact everyday impact. Sometimes earplugs just won't do it. Your brain can also become accustomed to soft music, making it distracting. Instead of relaxing airplanes flying overhead, A train passing by and people talking in the next room could be the gap between you and healthy sleep. Bridge that gap with white noise today. You can keep healthy, attentive and relaxed using these white noise strategies. That's all for now, folks, I hope you enjoyed reading and listening to these facts about white noise until next time. Stay safe. No West. Mhm.