English General demo 2023

Video Narration


Here's how your brand and project could sound with my voice!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Spanish (Latin American - General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's about time we listen to something really worthwhile. A great offer. Maybe you do know a bike guitar, some collectibles or maybe a new computer or why not a tablet ebay dot com. An offer you can't refuse. The average client spends around 12 hours a day in front of their phones swiping endlessly, unable to pick a voice. What will be their next move? Toyota Hybrid. Syner Drive the technology behind our new Toyota Highlander Hybrid an SUV for your adventures. Coming up next, Santiago of the High Seas great adventures and more with your favorite pirates. Stick around at Nick, do it yourself or do nothing. This is your time to make a change in your life. You know, our motto. Just do it. Nike taste the greatness in every crunch. Have a great start to begin your sweet day with frosted flakes. Did you hear that? This is Santiago. Santia Vio. Santiago Rodriguez voice over artist.