Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs - Science



This audiobook recording demonstrates an ability to be articulate while describing scientific facts as well as remain interesting and potentially draw a younger crowd to science material. Professor Lisa Randall's intention is to write in the genre of science but for the eyes of a more general reader and this is also what you will hear.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the past centuries. Theoretical and observational advances in astronomy, physics and cosmology have taught us an incredible amount. But the universe contains a great deal that we have never seen and likely never will. Various factors account for our limited vision. Many objects are simply too distant to observe. Something very far away won't necessarily amid or scatter enough light to be identified, since any light it did send out would become too widely dispersed and dim. On top of that, dust or celestial bodies might block our line of sight or obscure our view. Those space probes in distant regions of the cosmos do help surmount these obstacles. No probe has made it to the nearest star. Never mind the nearest galaxy, with their restricted reach and only imperfecta resolution. Direct probes provide Onley limited access at best.