Getting Past Your Past - Self Help



The reading of Getting Past Your Past is a solid representation of my vocal ability to be objective, factual, and believable. With a calming vocal style, I am able to relay important information to listeners while still remaining relatable and interesting.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
just like love, sorrow and anger, Anxiety and fear are important and useful emotions. They alert us to potentially difficult and dangerous situations that may need to be addressed. They provide warning signals to guide our next moves, such as investigating whether the danger Israel and what we need to do to deal with it. We all have these feelings occasionally their natural responses to certain situations and people that we encounter, and they serve us well unless they're misplaced. Unfortunately, in many cases, anxiety and fear increase out of proportion to reality and become connected to things, situations and activities that don't really make sense. Yes, a snarling, lunging Rottweiler is a good reason to feel fear and back off a poodle on a leash. Mildly walking along the street is not. But for a person with the dog phobia, just seeing a picture of a dog can cause a fear reaction. There are millions of people suffering from inappropriate fear, but not all seek therapy, although they're not as happy as they could be. Fear generally goes along with the natural reaction to stay away from things and situations that bother us.